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Annotated Bibliography

Annotated Bibliography

Mikeela Pittman


Alfes, K., Shantz, A. D., Bailey, C., Conway, E., Monks, K., & Fu, N. (2019). Perceived human 


resource system strength and employee reactions toward change: Revisiting human 


resource's remit as change agent. Human Resource Management, 58(3), 239-252. 


Alfes (2019) reviewed necessary elements for success change and identifying issues. 


Anthonysamy, L., Koo, AC. & Hew, SH. (2020). Self-regulated learning strategies and non-


academic outcomes in higher education blended learning environments: A one-decade 


review. Educ Inf Technol, 25, 3677–3704.


Studies have revealed students in higher learning environments struggle with blended learning due to insufficient self-regulated skills. The article offers strategies for self-regulated learning, and the impact on outcomes. 

Ballaro, J. M., Mazzi, M. A., & Holland, K. (2020). Organization Development Through 


Effective Communication, Implementation, and Change Process. Organization 


Development Journal, 38(1), 45–63.


Ineffective communication has the potential to negatively impact the success of change initiatives in organizations. Engaging employees in the innovation progress to promote change typically have greater outcomes. 

Bouilheres, F., Le, L.T. & V.H., McDonald. (2020). Defining student learning experience 


through blended learning. Educ Inf Technol 25, 3049–3069.


Bouilheres (2020) discussed the benefits of blended of learning. Also, the article detailed essential attributes for successful blended learning. 

Bragg, L. A., Walsh, C., & Heyeres, M. (2021). Successful design and delivery of online 


professional development for teachers: A systematic review of the literature. Computers 


& Education, 166, 104-158.


Bragg et al. (2021) presented an in-depth look surrounding online professional development for teachers. Moreover, benefits of online professional development were presented. 

Ma, L., & Lee, C. S. (2021). Evaluating the effectiveness of blended learning using the ARCS 


model. Journal of computer assisted learning, 37(5), 1397-1408.


Utilizing the ARCS model the study compared various learning techniques with blended learning. Furthermore, the article shared information on appropriately evaluating the success of blended learning in higher education.

Mengash, H. A. (2020). Using data mining techniques to predict student performance to support 


decision making in university admission systems. IEEE Access, 8, 55462-55470. 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2981905


Mengash (2020) shares the benefits from reviewing data, while using information to move an organization forward through a solution-focused strategy. 

Valiathan, P. (2002). Blended learning models. Learning circuits, 3(8), 50-59.     Models-2002-ASTD.pdf

Valiathan (2002) provides insight into three blended learning techniques. The article further specifies why a certain technique should be used, while offering steps on how to implement the technique. 

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