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The Professional Learning plan for educational diagnosticians will occur in a blended learning format to promote flexibility, engagement, and collaboration. Through the eight week learning sessions educational diagnosticians will construct personal meaning and understanding of Full Individual Evaluations. Most importantly, at the conclusion of the professional learning series educational diagnosticians will have resources and guides for future support and reference when constructing evaluations. Peer interactions, mentoring, and self-directed opportunities will foster learning experiences for program participants.




Duration and Ongoing Support

  • Blended learning environment

  • Professional learning will span across an 8 period

  • Weekly in-person meetings

  • Discussion forum

  • Question and answer platform

  • Virtual resource center

  • Designated mentor


Support During Implementation

  • Instructor will facilitate development opportunities in a significant learning environment

  • Program participant collaboration

  • Prerecorded videos to reference with essential information to align with each session

  • Meetings with designated mentor to that includes modeling

  • Ongoing feedback

  • Blended learning environment supports opportunities for assistance during nontraditional ours


Active Engagement

  • Discussions

  • Hands on activities

  • Development of resources

  • Coffee and Conversation opportunities



  • Weekly meetings will provide modeling by facilitator and mentors

  • Through learning activities program participants will have opportunities to model for peers

  • Development of artifacts to serve as models

  • Reference videos available for individualized modeling


Content Specific

  • Content for this professional learning series is designed specifically for novice educational diagnosticians





Audience Needs

The professional learning session was developed to meet this specific needs of new educational diagnosticians. Historically, the formulation of defensible Full Individual Evaluations completed within the specified timeline has been an obstacle for novice diagnosticians. Through this professional learning series educational diagnostician will have the opportunity to explore all aspects of the Full Individual Evaluation, collaborate with peers, seek and obtain feedback from mentors, and develop artifacts and resources for future reference.


Fostering Collaboration

Through the creation of a significant learning environment activities will be facilitated that foster authentic communication and collaboration amongst peers. Developing videos, discussion activities, participating in group activities, and modeling allow for collaboration. In addition, the blended learning environment will further advance communication utilizing the platform for an easily asking questions and accessing answering throughout the day.



I will serve as the primary facilitator for the professional learning series. Diagnostician mentors will also provide individualized leadership based on specific areas of need or further clarification required by assigned mentees. Session participant will have leadership opportunities when sharing resources and artifacts and when collaborating with peers.



My Big Harry Audacious Goal (BHAG) for this professional learning series: Prepare novice educational diagnosticians to develop clear, concise, and informative Full Individual Evaluations for students evaluated for special education services.






















































Week 1 - Eligibility areas for special education services and Components of a Full Individual Evaluation

  • Program participants will review special education eligibility areas (prereading)

  • Program participants will discuss and share any questions regarding eligibility areas (virtual platform)

  • Program participants will explore the components of a Full Individual Evaluation and participate in learning activities (In-person meeting)

  • Sharing of reference guides (posted online and discussed during Zoom meeting)

  • Program participants will chat or have a virtual meeting with mentor to review weeks learning and ask any clarifying questions


Week 2 - Development of a Full Individual Evaluation

  • Review sample evaluations (prereading)

  • Discuss findings from sample evaluation and develop a quick reference guide for essential evaluation components with group members (virtual platform)

  • Present evaluation reference guides (posted online and discussed during Zoom meeting)

  • Mock evaluation with group and sharing with program participants (In-person meeting)

  • Program participants will chat or have a virtual meeting with mentor to review weeks learning and ask any clarifying questions


Week 3 - Determination of Eligibility Statements

  • Development of eligibility statements with pictorial model (virtual platform)

  • Present eligibility statements and pictorial models (posted online and discussed during Zoom meeting)

  • Quick write with group and sharing with program participants (In-person meeting)

  • Program participants will chat or have a virtual meeting with mentor to review weeks learning and ask any clarifying questions


Week 4 - Connection between teaching strategies and diagnostician recommendations

  • Review sample recommendations list (prereading)

  • Discussion on teaching strategies and recommendations (virtual platform)

  • Group talk with specific examples of the alignment between evaluation recommendations and teaching strategies (posted online and discussed during Zoom meeting)

  • Development and sharing of recommendations and strategies based on data provided (In-Person)

  • Program participants will chat or have a virtual meeting with mentor to review weeks learning and ask any clarifying questions


Week 5 - Supporting parents, administrators, teachers, and students

  • Research supports for administrators, teachers, and students (prereading)

  • Discuss identified supports with group members (virtual platform)

  • Develop brochures and guides (In-Person)

  • Present with other participants developed brochures and guides (posted online and discussed during Zoom meeting)

  • Program participants will chat or have a virtual meeting with mentor to review weeks learning and ask any clarifying questions


Week 6 - Identifying your purpose

  • Roles and responsibilities of a diagnostician (prereading)

  • Share the importance of an educational diagnostician (Virtual Platform)

  • Coffee and Conversation – sharing your “why” (In-Person)

  • Create you “why” journal entry or model (For personal reflection)

  • Program participants will chat or have a virtual meeting with mentor to review weeks learning and ask any clarifying questions


Week 7 - Develop skills to serve proficiently as educational diagnostician with fidelity

  • Review resource guide for essential components of a Full Individual Evaluation (prereading)

  • Begin to formulate a Full Individual Evaluation based on a student evaluated. Use XXX for the name, which can be replaced using the Word “replace” tool prior to submitting the evaluation.

  • Group meeting to discuss evaluations questions or concerns (Zoom meetings)

  • Review peer evaluations and offer feedforward (In-Person)

  • Meet with mentor to review progress of evaluation and offer feedforward virtually or in-person


Week 8 - Develop skills to serve proficiently as educational diagnostician with fidelity

  • Meet with group members to review almost completed evaluations (Zoom)

  • Share finding, tips, and strategies with program participants as it relates to writing a Full Individual Evaluation (In-Person)

  • Post any helpful tips and recommendations for evaluation writing (Virtual Platform)

  • Meet with mentor to review your final evaluation (insert the student’s name to replace the XXX) either virtually or in-person



Laptop, reliable internet access, weekly meeting location, YouTube account, sample evaluations, and Procedural Safeguards



Fink, L. D. (2003). A self-directed guide to designing courses for significant learning. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.


Gulamhussein, A. (2013). Teaching the Teachers Effective Professional Development in an Era of High Stakes Accountability. Center for Public Education. Retrieved from

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