Implementation Outline
I. Preparation Phase (March 2023 – September 2023)
a. Share Innovation Proposal with essential personnel
Assessment leads
Campus coordinators
Educational diagnosticians
b. Edit plan as needed based on feedback
c. Review data to determine professional growth opportunities for educational diagnosticians
Error reports
Peer evaluation audit reports
eSPED compliance reports
d. Draft program goals based on the review of data completed
e. Share finding from data review with assessment leads
f. Share proposed goals of innovational proposal program with assessment leads
e. Revise program goals based on feedback from assessment leads
g. Present revised goals
Campus coordinators
Educational diagnosticians
II. Planning Phase (October 2023 – February 2024)
a. Based on program goals begin to establish and formulate content to promote learning, sharing and collaboration
Discussion questions to evoke digging deeper in content or topics
Project based task surrounding evaluations
Case studies for individual interpretation and joint discussion covering topics such as student eligibility and special education laws
Creative problem-solving activities
Guiding questions to facilitate participants development of tools to assist in report interpretation
III. Platform Phase (March 2024 – April 2024)
Research and determine appropriate platform that will support program learning needs
Discussion forums Share artifacts
Work in a collaborative manner on tasks and projects
Allows for the categorization of topic
b. Obtain platform approval from district
c. Front load any necessary information for program launch
Category tabs
Case studies
IV. Preparation for Launch (May 2024 -July 2024)
Diagnostician focus group to provide feedback on accessibility of items and platform use
Present learning tools to assessment leads
Present launch outline
Assessment leads
Campus coordinators
V. Pilot Innovation Plan (August 2024 – May 2025)
a. Meet with program participants (first year diagnosticians)
Share goals of program
Explore the learning platform
Time to Play - identify an area of interest regarding the work of a diagnostician, discuss area of interest with peers
Provide survey to determine individual needs of program participants
Begin learning
Group project to deepen understanding
Discussion forums
Development of resources (to assist with tasks)
Create artifact to show mastery of concepts (obtain feedforward from partner participants and mentor)
Share artifacts in appropriate platform category
VI. Reflection (June 2025 – September 2025)
Share platform with assessment leads with a focus on supports and resources created by program participants to address identified opportunities for growth
Analyze school year data for program participants
Error reports
Peer evaluation audit reports
eSPED compliance reports
Report 1st year program results
Discuss possible program modifications
Expansion to include more diagnosticians
Making the program applicable to other assessment disciplines
Additional opportunities of growth the program can address