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Innovation Proposal 

To: Ms. Blackshear, Coordinator

From: Mikeela Pittman, Diagnostician

Re: Innovation Plan Proposal

Greetings Ms. Blackshear,

The district is experiencing an influx of first year diagnosticians, out of state diagnosticians, and inexperienced diagnosticians. As the role of a diagnostician entails adhering to federal statutes and determining eligibility for specific disabilities under guidelines set by the Texas Education Agency, it is imperative the role is fulfilled with the utmost fidelity. Evaluations, finding, and recommendations from a diagnostician can largely impact the trajectory of students. Continuous support and feedback help to cultivate knowledgeable diagnosticians that are equipped to assist students, parents, staff and community members surrounding special education eligibility and services.

An opportunity exists to address the inexperience of  first year educational diagnosticians by providing ongoing learning, through a mentoring program ,to complete their professional responsibilities accurately. The goal of the diagnostician mentor program is for all students to receive high quality evaluations, while parents and staff members receive excellent support, regardless of the diagnostician’s experience level.

The proposed diagnostician mentoring program will encompass a blended learning format which will allow diagnosticians to share ideas and present their work electronically and in person. Feedback will be offered to further advance and enhance skills. This will occur through having diagnosticians review shared artifacts and provide feedback through establishing an online blended learning environment which will promote sharing ideas and organizing information.

The diagnostician mentor program will enable mentees to take ownership of their own learning and development, while focusing on individual areas of needed growth. The advancement of diagnostician knowledge will also ensure all students receive high-quality evaluations in compliance with federal, state, and district guidelines. After a year of mentoring first year educational diagnosticians will have a portfolio of stellar work artifacts to reference for future use. 

To accomplish the goals of fostering proficient first year diagnosticians, I am asking to pilot a blended learning initiative to promote learning and professional growth. I would like to test out the diagnostician mentor pilot program for two years and then share results of the program with members of the special education leadership team and analyze the need for program enhancements.

Thank you for your consideration.


Mikeela Pittman

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