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Writer's pictureMikeela Woods

Choice*** Ownership*** Voice*** Authentic

Updated: Jul 20, 2023

Twenty-first century learners must become comfortable with creative learning and solutions. The idea of thinking beyond the traditional to develop authentic ideas, solutions, and thoughts is becoming more desirable by employers and essential in society (Kline & Rosenberg, 2010). The word “innovation” is used often when describing advanced learning or skill sets. However, how do you teach one to become an innovative learner? How do you encourage innovative ideas? The video Creative Thinking – How to get out of the box and generate ideas video detailed the importance of thinking outside the box, promoting an environment where it is okay to make mistakes, and not focusing on a single solution (Tedx Talks, 2014). While this may appear to be a simple concept, thinking outside of the box is difficult. The difficulty typically comes from the fear of failing.

This ADL program has definitely created a sense of discomfort and has forced me to think outside of the box. I am reminded of the story of how the mama bird simply pushes the baby out of the nest, who will either fly or fail. I am being forced to face my fears and fly. The utilization of COVA promotes innovative learning and ideas. I think my fears include the voice and authentic portions of COVA. Dr. Bedard describe kinder students as truly having a voice because they are full of ideas, which seems to dwindle as they progress through school. Authentic learning was referred to as simply keeping it real. Why would one fear such concepts? Well, it may be the environment or consequences associated with having a voice and authenticity. What I have learned thus far from this program is the importance of fostering an environment that promotes all elements of COVA which will assist in shifting from a fixed to a growth mindset.

I plan to increase elements of choice and elements of ownership in my innovation plan. Also, I believe it is important to intentionally verbally welcome voice and authenticity, and structure a learner program that also welcomes these elements. This is currently my second course, and in both courses the instructors have made similar statements in that at this stage we should be uncomfortable, it is not a big deal not to get it right, and have offered choice with some guidance. This has been extremely helpful to me as these words hold value as I am allowed to feel uncomfortable, and it is deemed as normal. I plan to utilize this intentionally through my innovation plan to encourage learners to keep taking risks, making mistakes, progressing, and creating new ideas and solutions.


Kline, S. J., & Rosenberg, N. (2010). An overview of innovation. Studies on science and the innovation process: Selected works of Nathan Rosenberg, 173-203.

TEDx Talks (2014, March 11). Creative Thinking - How to get out of the box and generate ideas: Giovanni Corazza at TEDx Roma. YouTube.

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Mentioning baby birds being pushed out of the nest by the momma bird is a great analogy. What is oddly comforting too is the first push is the scariest and usually does not result in flight but these baby birds come back home to momma, having to climb back up the tree, and then keep experimenting with this scenario until they get it on their own. Once a baby bird flies, that doesn't mean they can't come back to the nest either! They can always return home before heading out again.

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