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  • Writer's pictureMikeela Woods

Exploring My Mindset

Updated: Jul 20, 2023

My current position is very structured. I evaluate students, and have to follow standardized procedures for test validity purposes. Some assessments are now moving to digital aspects, but this move has been very slow. My innovation proposal focuses on supporting first year diagnosticians through blended learning, while offering choice and authentic learning opportunities. I have always believed that ownership fosters accountability. While blended learning has been around, I wildly want to introduce this as a way of professional learning.

Jeffery (2017) shares the importance of self-awareness to develop a growth mindset. I believe this is most important for completing changing my mindset. Being honest about where I am and understanding the benefits and possibilities associated with a growth mindset will assist in shifting my mindset. Also, I need to remind myself to be okay with the process opposed to seeking immediate closure to activities and tasks.

Universal Design for Learning supports diverse learning environments through planning and anticipating the needs of learners (Capp, 2017). In my opinion the most important component UDL is considering the “how”. Planning and organizing are essential are essential in creating an environment that supports all learners.


Capp, M. J. (2017). The effectiveness of universal design for learning: A meta-analysis of literature between 2013 and 2016. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 21(8), 791-807.

Jeffrey, S. (2017). How to Change Your Fixed Mindset.

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