Research continues to show the importance of utilizing sources of influence to change behavior. The video, All Washed Up, indicated that implements at least four sources of influences increase positive results by ten times (Crucial Learning, 2009). Successful results increase even more when all six sources of influence are used. It’s noted that people often underwhelm overwhelming situations, then give up when desired results are not achieved (Crucial Learning, 2009). Simply equipped with the success rate of influence when implementing all sources heightens my awareness and reveals the importance of implementing the six sources of influence throughout my innovation plan.
After viewing Harnessing Social Pressure, I’ve decided to begin my innovation project with implementing social motivation and social ability aspects of influence due to their importance (Buchl, 2012). I plan to intentionally focus on paving the way through modeling behavior, enlisting the power of those who motivate, and seeking support from enablers (Buchl, 2012). Modeling the desired behavior would come naturally as I truly believe in my innovation plan and the valuable impact it can over in my district, specifically the positive impact for students in the district. However, I will have to strategically seek support of those who influence and gain the support of enablers. In my plan I’ve already embedded steps to engage leaders through the innovation plan, and now have greater knowledge on how they can support and enhance the success of the plan. Personal motivation will be addressed through group sharing and reflection journals and personal ability will be enhanced through learning activities. I will need to further develop structural motivation as well as structural ability within my innovation plan to further facilitate changed behaviors.
Buchl, C. (2012, December 17). Harnessing Social Pressure. YouTube. [Video].
Crucial Learning. (2009, Sep 21). All Washed Up. YouTube [Video].
Patterson, K., & Grenny, J. (2013). Influencer: The New Science of Leading Change, Second Edition. McGraw-Hill Education.