I never really considered explaining my why to people prior to enrolling in the ADL program, and this week’s discussion caused me to further consider the importance of communicating my “why” to people. When individuals have inquired about my profession or even when I explain my role as a diagnostician to individuals, I now realize I predominately focus on the how. I simply explain what I do because the why was always viewed as something personal or something individuals would not care about. However, Sinek (2009) explained the importance of communicating the why, as people don’t buy into what you do but rather why you do it. However, I've learned that communicating from the inside out controls and drives the behaviors of others (Sinek, 2009). Simply offering more information about a position or concept does not motivate individuals, but creating a safe space for individuals to feel emotionally safe and asking questions fosters motivation (Kotter, 2011). I now understand a single dream is more important than 1000 realities as realities do not motivate individuals to change (Kotter, 2013).
As I reflect and as think about my innovation plan the idea of buying in is essential. My blended learning innovation plans focus a lot on participants collaborating and learning from one another. Feeling safe and being open to support and offering support to one another is a vital component in the professional growth offered through the program. Therefore, individual motivation is key. Sharing my why and allowing participants to have time think about and share their why would be an activity to allow for building relationships, creating a safe environment, and lead to both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. I also think as we share our whys and the importance surrounding our purpose, the need for urgency will be evident and apparent. I can’t wait to articulate my why as I move to foster a culture that embraces change.
Kotter, J. (2011, March 23). Dr. John Kotter - The Heart of Change. [Video]. YouTube. https://youtu.be/1NKti9MyAAw
Sinek, S. (2009, September 28). Start with why: How great leaders inspire action. YouTube. [Video]. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u4ZoJKF_VuA.